listen to a piece of music whilst following a graphic score
compose music using a graphic score for inspiration
create graphic score whilst listening to a piece of music
Video of George Ligeti’s Artikulation with Rainer Wehinger’s graphic score
Recording of Andrew Downes’ Interlude
Paper and coloured pens or pencils
Introduction: Today we will learn about Graphic Scores - 5 mins
We will listen to music and follow a graphic score
We will create our own music from a graphic score
We will create our own graphic score whilst listening to a piece of music
Q&A: What is a graphic score? What does a musical score usually look like? What elements does it show (instruments, pitch, direction of music, speed, rhythm)
Video and discussion - 5 mins
Show YouTube video
Ask them to explain particular features they have noticed - I will write them on the board (pitch, articulation, dynamics, timbre, rhythm, note length, speed)
Composition - 10 mins
Choose one page and leave it on the board. In pairs they have to produce their own composition using voices and body percussion. Perform to the class.
Graphic Score Creation - 10 mins
Listen to Interlude recording. Discuss the different elements they are hearing. Write on board.
Ask them to create their own graphic score.
More info on this work as well as sheet music for 3 part choir and piano arrangement: here
All children will create a graphic score and will compose a piece of music
Most children will create a graphic score that shows one or two elements of music and will compose a piece of music that resembles features of the graphic score
Some children will create graphic scores with a number of different elements of music and will compose a piece of music that resembles many features of the graphic score
A few children will create complex graphic scores showing a number of different elements of music and will compose complex music interpreting all of the features of the graphic score
Music Education Resources by Paula Downes, a lot of music by Andrew Downes
Follow Cynthia Downes on Instagram to keep up-to-date with her blog posts.
If you have performed in any of Andrew Downes' works or come to listen, please share your experiences in the Premieres Blog! Also see what others have said. Thank you so much for your contribution.